Here's some of what you missed at The Thirsty Robot:
Technical Musings
Including one (deepbacksub: 501 lines of C++) which a regular attender at The Thirsty Robot has their own fork of... and has mentioned in previous meetings.
The addition of background removal should. increase the appeal of Jitsi, and attendees wasted no time in making the most of it, and then mostly reverted to the usual 'No Video, Initials only' format that seems to be correlated with technical discussion. See this previous meeting blog post summary for a possibly related topic.
Interestingly, Unsplash, the photo-finder application used by this blog, was unable to provide any good illustrative photos for 'background removal', and the best that could be found was one for 'green screen'. This is NOT the technology used in Jitsi!
![]() |
Photo by Dane Kelly on Unsplash |
Web Layout Engines
There was some discussion about Web Browsers (which one to use, which ones not to use - the usual discussions), which led to Web Layout Engines, a topic much more suited to The Thirsty Robot! There are a surprising number of graphical engines used by browsers (and a lot of browsers!). It was noted that Firefox is still using Gecko, now written in Rust as part of the larger Quantum work to migrate away from C/C++. Brave was mentioned as an interesting current Blink-based browser.
No technical blog can last for long without a reference to Stack Overflow (or Reddit, or...):
Which turned the conversation in the direction of the InterWeb meme of 'Books covers for books which don't, but perhaps should, exist'. There are thousands of these on Pinterest (serious and parodies/funny, and everything in between), and some enterprising people have turned it into a commercial enterprise:
And finally, the posh, academic version:
Oh, and a book that didn't exist, but then got written later:
Recommended Movies/Films
Iron Sky (1: Good, 2: Not so good, Director's cut: No opinion, 3 (The Coming Race): No opinion)
[ We could not find any UK streaming service which is currently showing any version of Iron Sky... ]
Overlord is a movie that has some thematic similarities to Iron Sky, but without the humour (and a much larger budget).
[ Netflix UK ]
A late entry for movie recommendations was:
The Hunt
[ Amazon Prime UK ]
As usual, we reckon it is best if you don't know anything before watching a film! So only click on a link if you want your experience to be potentially spoiled...
Recommended Games
Mentioning Iron Sky led to various related suggestions...
Beneath a Steel Sky
[ Steam ]
Recommended Further Reading (Books, Blogs...):
Derek Lowe's famous blog:
The 'Ignition' book from John Drury Clark (and a foreword from Isaac Asimov):
Any mention of Isaac Asimov always gets a reference to Thiotimoline, one of the most amazing fictional chemical compounds ever invented:
And something from a different age:
And very finally, Thiotimoline led to Bernice Summerfield, a very useful 'canon' companion to Doctor Who, who has a lot of books and other media devoted to her, and will allegedly get you huge kudos in quizzing circles if you have heard of her...
Books you aren't supposed to know about:
A new heading, just for the unauthorised 'alternative viewpoint' to 'The Lord of the Rings':
The next online meeting at The Thirsty Robot is on Thursday 8th April 2021 at 7:30pm GMT.
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